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About Us

About Us

EMGS Connect is a web and mobile based social media platform where you can get connected to the latest information, events and updates. You also get to meet other international students here!

One of the goals of EMGS is to enhance the management of international student welfare and engagement. EMGS Connect is an independent, neutral source of up-to-date information on studying and living in Malaysia as a student. It gives you the opportunity to interact with current students in Malaysia to obtain information on various aspects of studying and living in Malaysia.It will also provide you with the opportunity to participate in online campaigns and webinars geared towards studying and living in Malaysia.

For students who are still in their home country, you will obtain insights into study options across various institution types both private and public. You will also obtain information on possible job prospects, and transit possibilities for transfer programs. You will access videos highlighting the experience of other students who are currently studying in Malaysia as well as campus events. This will enable you to make an informed decision about the benefits of studying in Malaysia as compared to other countries. EMGS Connect is a place where you get information about courses are on offer, living costs, campus environment this includes classrooms, hostels, dining areas, functions, sports areas,lifestyle, accomodation options and so on.

If you are in the application process, EMGS connect provides you with comprehensive information and links to sources that give detailed information on the application processes. You will also find interactive audio visual guides that simplify otherwise complex processes.

EMGS Connect seeks to make your stay in Malaysia easier upon your arrival. You will obtain information and tips on how to easily and quickly obtain starter kits that will get you connected with family and finances.You can find information about what to expect upon arrival as well as the next steps to be taken to maintain a valid stay.

For new students, EMGS Connect gives you information about how to get around in Malaysia and adjust as quickly as possible (culture, food, lifestyle, travel, campus life, saving tips, entertainment).

For new and senior students, EMGS Connect will give you updates on international student community events on a national level. This covers events happening at other schools and events supported by government and industry. This will give you opportunities to build networks with students from all around Malaysia. You can also access information on maintaining a valid stay and renewing your student pass.

For those who are nearing the end of their study period in Malaysia, EMGS Connect is a source of information on available internships in various industries, career options that are available to international students as well as updates on progression opportunities from Diploma to Degree, Degree to Masters and Masters to PhD. This platform will also provide updated information on post graduate scholarships available across different institutions, from the government as well as from private institutions.

For those students who have innovative ideas, EMGS Connect will connect you with tips on

how to start a business as a graduating foreign student, financing options and information on technical support from government and industry. The platform will also provide forums and workshop details for events meant to develop and support an entrepreneurial mindset.

If you are looking for a job upon graduation, you will find information on networking opportunities and access to companies that offer On-The-Job Training and Skills Enhancement programs that help to prepare you for the work place.

Should you decide to return home upon completion of your studies, EMGS Connect will provide you with a comprehensive guideline on things to remember before leaving the country. This includes tips on how to manage your departure date as well as how to shorten your student pass. You will also have access to buyers and sellers for goods that have been pre-loved by other students (household items, books, vehicles).

EMGS Connect will keep you connected. The international study experience in Malayisa is meant to give you the best learning experience, comfortable lifestyle, exposure to new cultures, ideas, innovations and friendships. It’s meant to set you up for the next level.

Learn. Live. Meet. Progress

Education Malaysia Global Services (Company No: 986610-U) (“EMGS”) is a company limited by guarantee, incorporated under the laws of Malaysia and wholly owned by the Ministry of Higher Education.

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