The purpose of this bulletin is to provide detailed clarification on the various scenarios that may be experienced by International Students and Institutes during and after Movement Control Order and the global border closures due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The bulletin is designed based on the different scenarios /processes / stages of an international student application in a FAQ format for easy understanding:
New Students
1. Question: Since the EMGS One Stop Centre is closed during the Movement Control Order (MCO)period, are Education Institutions able to create and submit New and Renewal applications to EMGS during this period?
Answer: Yes, Education Institution can create and submit all New and Renewal applications to EMGS. The facility to upload documents was only available for New applications however EMGS has enhanced its system to also allow Education Institutions to create an upload the required documents for Renewal applications. This will eliminate the need for Education Institutions to send in the hardcopy of documents to EMGS One Stop Centre during this Movement Control Order period. Kindly note that the Malaysian Immigration Department will remain closed during the MCO period however, all the teams under EMGS have activated the Work From Home option and are currently processing New and Renewal applications. EMGS will only be able to process applications until the following stages:
• New Applications – Application pending for submission to the Immigration Department eVAL approval. EMGS can only submit the application to the Immigration Department once the
MCO has been lifted.
• Self-Endorsement Renewal Applications – Issuance of e-support letter for self-endorsement. The Education Institution will only be able to submit this supporting letter to their respective state Immigration Department once the MCO has been lifted
• EMGS Endorsement Renewal Applications – Request Institutions to submit the passport to EMGS. The Education institution will only be able to submit the passport to EMGS once the
MCO has been lifted.
Certain Education institutions may not be able to provide the payment to EMGS once they have
created and uploaded the relevant documents to EMGS during the MCO period due to the various
challenges they may face to obtain the payment. To ensure, we facilitate this and due to the longstanding relationship with the institutes, EMGS has also introduced a process for Education
Institutions to submit applications without payment by submitting a declaration that the payment
will be done within 7 days of the MCO being lifted. EMGS will begin to process the applications upon receiving the Declaration from the Education Institution.
2. Question: Can students submit applications directly to EMGS?
Answer: Yes, all international students that are outside Malaysia and have obtained offer letters from Educational Institutions are able to create New/Mobility eVAL applications directly with EMGS (https://visa.educationmalaysia.gov.my/customer/account/login/). Once an account is created on the EMGS website; you may proceed to create an application and upload the necessary supporting documents required for your application. You will also have an option to directly make payment to EMGS via credit card or through your Education Institution. EMGS will begin processing your application once your Education Institution approves it. Please refer to the user guide available on the website or you may contact EMGS through enquiry@emgs.com.my if you encounter any difficulties or require further clarification on how to create an application on your own. Kindly note that Renewal applications can only be created and submitted by your respective Education Institution.
3. Question: The application I created directly to EMGS is pending for additional documents. Can I submit the additional document required on my own to EMGS?
Answer: Yes, you are to submit the additional documents. EMGS allows students to directly submit additional documents for applications that are created. Kindly ensure that you send the additional documents to additionaldoc@emgs.com.my using the same registered email address used to create your application. Your Education Institution may also submit the additional documents required for applications that they created similarly by sending the additional documents to additionaldoc@emgs.com.my. You may check the status of your current application anytime by entering your passport number and nationality at visa.educationmalaysia.gov.my/
4. Question: My institution applied for a New student pass application for me. I have been checking through the EMGS Application Tracker however my application is pending at 32% (immigration system updated) and not moving. Why?
Answer: Please note that there is no further action required from your end at this point in time. The percentage indicates that your application is ready to be submitted to the Immigration Department for their approval. In continuing with our commitment to international students and the Education Institutions, EMGS is processing all new and renewal applications that are submitted to us. Kindly note that the Malaysian Immigration Department will remain closed during the MCO period and EMGS can only submit the application for their approval once the MCO is lifted.
5. Question: My eVAL was rejected by the Malaysian Immigration Department and my institution informed me that is was due to the Covid-19 outbreak in my country (this was specifically for certain provinces from China during the Covid-19 outbreak). What can I do?
Answer: The eVAL was rejected due to the Covid-19 outbreak during the time. Your Education
Institution will be required to submit a request to appeal this decision. EMGS will facilitate by
submitting the request to the Malaysian Immigration Department. Kindly note that the decision to approve the appeal is solely at the discretion of the Malaysian Immigration Department.
6. Question: I received my eVAL however I have obtained a new passport. My eVAL was issued under my old passport details. What should I do?
Answer: Your Education Institution will be required to submit an amendment request to EMGS.
Please speak to a representative from your Education Institution to understand the documents
required for the amendment request. EMGS will then facilitate the request by submitting it to the
Malaysian Immigration Department. The Malaysian Immigration Department is closed during the
MCO period and will only begin processing the amendment request after the MCO has been lifted.
Kindly note that the decision to approve the amendment request is solely at the discretion of the
Malaysian Immigration Department.
7. Question: My institution offered me a place to join their March 2020 intake but have now deferred the intake to August 2020 due to the Movement Control Order (MCO) in Malaysia and international travel restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The eVAL issued to me is going to expire before I can travel to Malaysia. What can I do?
Answer: EMGS will provide all the assistance required to international students whose eVAL have expired during the MCO / travel ban period. Your Education Institution will be required to submit a request to EMGS to extend the validity of the eVAL issued to you. They are also required to provide EMGS with a new offer letter stating the deferment date together with all the relevant supporting documents. EMGS will facilitate by submitting the request to the Malaysian Immigration Department. Kindly note that the decision to extend the eVAL is solely at the discretion of the Malaysian Immigration Department.
8. Question: I have accepted my institutions offer and I am now enrolled for the semester. Am I allowed to attend Online Classes?
Answer: It is a mandatory requirement for all International Students to obtain a student pass before enrolling in Education Institutions in Malaysia. Based on the current circumstances which limits International Students from travelling to Malaysia, your Education Institution must ensure that your application has been submitted and processed up to the point that is ready for submission to the Malaysian Immigration Department for eVAL approval. This is to ensure that you have obtained the relevant entry requirements to pursue the intended course.
Renewal Students
9. Question: My student pass/special pass expired during the Movement Control Order (MCO). I am currently here in Malaysia, but my student pass/special pass has expired. What should I do?
Answer: EMGS will facilitate the processing of passports for all students with a valid pass expiring anytime during the Movement Control Order period. This is only applicable for institutions that submit their passport to EMGS One Stop Centre (OSC) for endorsement. Education Institutions that submit their students’ passports to state immigration offices for endorsements (i.e. self-endorsement) should refer to their respective state immigration offices for further clarification. Kindly note that EMGS will initiate a discussion with the Malaysian Immigration Department to standardise the approach taken by all state Immigration Departments when dealing with similar situations. We will provide further updates to international students / institutes after discussions with respective stakeholders.
10. Question: I was supposed to return to Malaysia to continue my studies however I was not able to travel as the Malaysian Government stopped all foreigners from entering the country during the
Movement Control Order. My student pass has now expired however I am not certain as to when
I will be able to return to Malaysia. Can I still renew my student pass?
Answer: Based on the current process, the Malaysian Immigration Department will only allow you to renew your student pass if your current student pass expiry has not lapsed for more than 3 months. Students will be required to enter Malaysia on a social visit pass and subsequently obtain the renewed student pass. However, we understand that these are exceptional circumstances, hence we will continue to monitor the situation closely regarding the travel ban that is currently in place and update the international students / institutes on any changes after discussions with the Malaysian Immigration Department.
11. Question: I want to go back to my home country, but my passport is pending with EMGS. Can I collect my passport back from EMGS?
Answer: If you have made travel plans to leave the country, please contact your respective Education Institution and they will liaise with EMGS to facilitate the collection of your passport before your travel date. You will not be able to collect back your passport directly from EMGS due to the stringent biometric verification process that EMGS adopts by only returning passports to authorised representative from the Education Institutions. Please contact us through enquiry@emgs.com.my if you encounter any difficulties in contacting your Education Institution and EMGS will attempt to speak to a representative from your Education Institution to facilitate the collection of your passport from us.
12. Question: My Education Institution collected my passport from EMGS and returned it to me. I am planning to return to my home country, but my current student pass/special pass is no longer valid. Will I be allowed to leave to return to my home country?
Answer: Yes, you will be able to travel out of Malaysia if the current pass expired during the
Movement Control Order period. EMGS has notified your Education Institution that all foreigners in Malaysia whose pass has expired during this Movement Control Order period may leave Malaysia without any Special Pass provided they possess a valid passport. This notice was issued by the Director General of the Malaysian Immigration Department and is effective from 19th March 2020 until further notice from the Malaysian Immigration Department. Kindly note that Standard Operating Procedures of Immigration screening would still take place as usual during departure at the airports and you will also be subjected to the existing rules and regulations imposed by the Immigration Authorities in your home country.
Medical Screening
13. Question: My eVAL was approved and I travelled to Malaysia upon obtaining a Single-Entry Visa (SEV). The entry pass issued to me at the point of entry has now expired but and I haven’t attended the Post Arrival Medical Screening due to the Movement Control Order in Malaysia. Will I be able to attend the medical screening and obtain a student pass?
Answer: Yes, EMGS will facilitate the processing of passports for all students with a valid pass expiring anytime during the Movement Control Order period. You will first be required to attend the Post Arrival Medical Screening at the nearest EMGS panel clinic once the MCO has been lifted. The list of clinics is available at https://visa.educationmalaysia.gov.my/guidelines/registered-malaysianclinic.html. Kindly note that Students enrolling into Malaysia Public Universities can attend the medical screening at clinics located in their universities. Please ensure that you speak to an authorised representative from your Education Institutions prior to attending the Post Arrival Medical Screening.Once you have passed the Post Arrival Medical Screening, we will request your Education Institution to submit your passport to EMGS or prepare a supporting letter for your institution to obtain the student pass at their respective state Immigration Department.
14. Question: I’ve attended the Post Arrival Medical Screening but failed the screening. The clinic contacted me and requested that I submit my appeal no later than 1 month from the time I first attended the medical screening. I am currently not able to travel to the clinic due to the MCO. Does this mean I won’t be allowed to appeal the results of the Post Arrival Medical Screening?
Answer: Under normal circumstances, you are required to submit an appeal at the same panel clinic you visited previously for medical screening. This should be done within 7 days of receipt of the notification that you have failed your medical screening. In lieu of the current Movement Control Order (MCO) implemented, EMGS has decided to ease this condition however you must submit your appeal at the same clinic within 7 days of the MCO being lifted.
EMGS Insurance
15. Question: When does the insurance policy purchased through EMGS start?
Answer: EMGS is currently sending a notification to the respective insurance provider once the
application has reached a specific stage. The process of sending notifications for students that opted for EMGS insurance providers happens at the passport endorsement stage/e-support issuance stage. The insurance commencement date will depend on the type of application submitted to EMGS. The table (Table 1) below explains the commencement dates for the respective type of applications.
Application Type Commencement Date
Progression/Variation The eVAL issuance date
Renewal From the next day following the expiry of their current student pass
New Student’s date of entry to Malaysia which needs to be provided by the
EMGS is currently also looking at sending notifications for all Progression / Variation / Renewal
students who insurance / student pass has currently expired (even if the application has not reached the required stage as mentioned above). This is provided the institute/students have created an application with EMGS.
16. Question: Is Covid-19 included in the insurance policies available through EMGS?
Answer: Yes, all 3 EMGS insurance/takaful providers (AXA, AIA and Hong Leong MSIG Takaful) will extend coverage to cover treatments and/or hospital admissions related to confirmed 2019-nCoV cases within Malaysia. Kindly note that the Ministry of Health Malaysia has provided a list of designated Hospitals for handling COVID-19 cases. Please refer to the Ministry of Health Malaysia’s website to view the list of designated Hospitals as the insurance providers may only allow claims originating from these designated hospitals.
Please continue to check our website www.educationmalaysia.gov.my , our application tracking page https://visa.educationmalaysia.gov.my/emgs/application/searchForm/, and EMGS Connect platform for regular updates.
Hi, my visa was issued on the February 12th and I was on the process of getting my insurance card before the recent MCO. Right now I have a health challenge and I needed to be admitted in the hospital but I don’t have any information concerning my issuance card. Please I need help
Hi David,
We are sorry to hear about your health issue. We wish you a speedy recovery.
Kindly drop an email to enquiry(at)emgs.com.my with your full name and passport number. This will enable an EMGS officer to assist you further.
Have a nice day.
Thanks boss. I have sent a mail to the above email address.
Hi EMGS Team,
hope you’re doing well and safe,
I have submitted my application to my institute on March 16th for visa cancellation to move under my Embassy visa (as per official agreement with Yemeni Embassy and immigration department). My application still not sent to EMGS and my visa already expired during MCO. Could you please advice regarding to the application processing.
@yaseryahya Kindly drop an email to enquiry(at)emgs.com.my with your passport details. An EMGS Officer will assist you accordingly.
Dear Emgs,
Thank you so much for this update.
I just got to realise that I could submit my additional by myself during the MCO.
However, I tried to submit the additional document to the email stated above for “submission of additional documents” but the email declined. I tried 3 times, it returns a failure report.
Please could you help me check if my institution had submitted the required additional document for renewal ID- 100671884.
It has been pending for over a month, that is why I’m asking, just to be on the safe side.
Thanks for your response in anticipation.
@achi The option to submit the additional documents to the mentioned email address is applicable only to new students who submitted the application via the EMGS website. As per check, your application is a renewal application. As such, only your institution is eligible to submit the additional documents. Kindly liaise with your institution and request that they submit the documents at their earliest convenience.
Hi, I’m studying English in Malaysia at an English learning center. If I apply for a master program July intake, will I have to go back to my home country for new VAL and visa from Malaysia embassy in Tehran or I can submit and get visa in Malaysia.
My visa (English Learning) will expired at September.
@ebrahim_13 Since you are changing from a Language Centre to a University/College, you are required to exit Malaysia and wait for the VAL whilst in your home country. Kindly note that the current Student Pass needs to be cancelled before you exit Malaysia. The approval to issue the VAL is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department.
Thanks for replying
I have another question,in considering of covid 19 situation in Iran, I have to go to Iran or can I apply for visa from another country such as Thailand, Singapore or so.
@ebrahim_13 In light of the global pandemic, you are advised to return to your respective home country. Kindly note that the Immigration Department is currently not issuing VALs to new students. As such, it is advisable that you return to your home country and wait for the VAL. Once the VAL has been issued you are required to proceed to the Malaysian Embassy in your home country and apply for the Single Entry Visa (SEV).
Hlo Sir I got my offer letter for May 2020 intake so do my visa process 32% fastly so I can join the online classes
@dinesh_2 We are glad to assist you with your enquiry. However, in order to get all the details of your application, we would need to retrieve your record. To keep your details private and confidential please email us your full name and passport number at enquiry(at)emgs.com.my and we will assist to check your application
hello, Sir,i have got to my country .And if i submit material online ,could i ask someone else to help me submit and take back me passport to get the new visa ?Or could i mail the passport to the visa unit ?
@wif190704 We responded to your enquiry in the earlier post. Kindly check.
My Name : Komarina Dinesh Sai Sudarshan Babu
My Possport No: T0936587
My institutions has submitted all documents.
Plz do my 32% of my Visa process fastly
I got my university offer letter for May 2020 Intake so, kindly do my 32% of my visa process fastly. So that I can join in online classes in this Intake.
My Name : Komarina Dinesh Sai Sudarshan Babu
My Possport No: T0936587
My institutions has submitted all documents.
Plz do my 32% of my Visa process fastly
I got my university offer letter for May 2020 Intake so, kindly do my 32% of my visa process fastly. So that I can join in online classes in this Intake.
My Name : Komarina Dinesh Sai Sudarshan Babu
My Possport No: T0936587
My institutions has submitted all documents.
Plz do my 32% of my Visa process fastly
I got my university offer letter for May 2020 Intake so, kindly do my 32% of my visa process fastly. So that I can join in online classes in this Intake.
My passport process already 85% since 18/05/20 till now, why its not proceed yet?
@fachrul We are glad to assist you with your enquiry. However, in order to get all the details of your application, we would need to retrieve your record. To keep your details private and confidential please email us your full name and passport number at enquiry(at)emgs.com.my and we will assist to check your application
Hello dear
I’m final year student and I went to Egypt to do my industrial training. I need to return to Malaysia because I have labs and final year project so Is there any Exceptions for those kinda situations
Students can’t enter malaysia. Till 31 August maybe even later
@abdelrahman_33 Foreigners are currently not allowed entry into Malaysia. Any update with regards to the entry procedure will be notified once the travel ban has been lifted.
May I ask what should be done in the current situation since my Visa renewal application reached 50% stating that i should be submitting my passport to the university,and the new order states that most constitutions should re-open.
@abdelrahman_8 Kindly refer to your institution for further assistance with regard to your passport submission.
My original IELTS test has been affected by MCO, and the test has been cancelled. Now I need to apply for a renewal without language score. What should I do?
@kim_6 We advise that you seek assistance from your institution, as the English competency results will be required. Kindly note that you can take the IELTS test online as well.
Online IELTS school does not admit, in this case the school is willing to give you a certificate, can you handle the renewal。
Now I can’t submit the language score, can I renew it? How can I continue my studies if I cannot renew them?
My eval will expire at the end of august.what can I do to extend it. thank you
@said_25 Your Education Institution will be required to submit a request to EMGS to extend the validity of the eVAL issued to you. They are also required to provide EMGS with a new offer letter stating the deferment date together with all the relevant supporting documents. EMGS will facilitate by submitting the request to the Malaysian Immigration Department. Kindly note that the decision to extend the eVAL is solely at the discretion of the Malaysian Immigration Department.
Hello EMgs
I am an international student and i have started online teaching april 2020 intake Foundation.
When are we as foreigners allowed to enter malaysia as foundation 2020 intakes who started online
@ahmed_501 We are unable to confirm when foreigners will be allowed entry into Malaysia, as the decision is solely at the discretion of the Malaysian Government.
There’s a new directive now allowing international students to return back to Malaysia for their studies. Can you advise us on how to register with the ministry of higher education Malaysia? I can’t seen to find any link.
@sulaiman-a We are in the midst of clarifying this with the relevant Government agencies. We will update institutions and students once we have received more information.
Thanks, sorry for being persistent. I just saw your response. I hope the process will be expedited

Hi, it is said to register with thr EMGS, but i can’t see the option yet in the menu. can you explain how to properly apply to EMGS to enter Malaysia?
@axe We are in the midst of clarifying this with the relevant Government agencies. We will update institutions and students once we have received more information.
Thank you EMGS for updating us on issues regarding to our programs.job well done.
@said_25 We value your kind words. It is wonderful to know that our efforts are appreciated.
Good afternoon, the MCO is already lifted up and now RMCO is going on. But all the businesses are running and back to normal now. It been almost 3 months my emgs is stuck at 32%. When will it progress?
@nusrat_5 The application will progress once the Immigration Department resumes the process of issuing VALs. Kindly note that the approval to issue VALs is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department.
Hello EMGS,
My application has been stuck onto 32% for the past week or so, i am just concerned weather or not the immigration office working in these days?
@usmanarif The Immigration Department is currently not issuing VALs to international students who are outside Malaysia. Your application will be processed further once the Immigration Department resumes the process of issuing VALs. The approval to issue the VAL is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department.
Hi,My passport AA6764523
My applicatiom process become 50% Now Im not in Malaysia.So,I have to return to Malaysia for submit my passport
@maylinla Kindly note that you are required to remain in your home country until the entry procedures for international students is confirmed. We will update institutions and students once we have received more information
My passport is waiting for submission since before lockdown ,i had traveled back to my home country for internship before Covid-19, Now there are no offical updates yet kindly guide me what to do as my visa renewal is accepted only pending renewal with passport submission. What is the last date before it expires ?
@hamzamahmood28 Kindly click on the above link and refer to the “renewal students” section.
Now I’m here in Malaysia and I’m studying English. My vise will be expired 9th September. Due to Corona virus condition especial condition in Iran, may I have a chance to extend my visa? Do I have to register new class to extend or the Malaysian government permit us to stay in Malaysia for one or two months more?
@ebrahim_13 Upon completing your course you are required to exit Malaysia.
Hello , my application status is 0% and it’s been 10 days since I submitted the documents and payment . My passport number is 152182964 . Please tell me if something is wrong. Thank you
@zak_2 Your institution is yet to submit the application documents and payment. Kindly liaise with your institution and request that they submit the documents and payment. This will enable us to initiate the processing of your application.
I have seen this notice on the High Commission of Malaysia in Dhaka, Bangladesh about PROCEDURES OF ENTRY TO MALAYSIA DURING THE RECOVERY PERIOD OF MOVEMENT CONTROL ORDER (RMCO) DATED 24 JUNE 2020. Could you please share with me what will be processed.
Same, I’m from Bangladesh too, they have informed from uni to get back by July, but immigration isn’t resumed they say, but I even checked it’s already open for international students. What exactly is to be done and why is everything running so slow? Its about our life and it’s serious.
@pavel @homaira-tasnim We are in the midst of clarifying the entry procedures with the relevant Government agencies. We will update institutions and students once we have received more information.
Passport no-K9460774. My application is stagnant at 32%. How long does it take for Emgs to submit application to the immigration? And after that how long does it take for the next step to begin? I need to register to the university also, that would take another month and my session starts October, 2020. Kindly help.
@sowmya The percentage indicates that your application is ready to be submitted to the Immigration Department for their approval. However, at present, the Immigration Department is not issuing VALs to students who are outside Malaysia. Your application will be processed further once the Immigration Department resumes the process of issuing VALs.
I haven’t received any EMGS approval letter also. Is there a separate form that I have to fill out regarding the same?
@sowmya The EMGS approval letter is available in the application tracker on our website: https://visa.educationmalaysia.gov.my/emgs/application/searchForm/
Tell me about it, mine is also stuck at 32% and my session starts September 3rd. Universities opened up, everything’s working, but the immigration department is still busy doing God knows what.
I checked online, they say immigration is open but they’re not processing international applications for eVALs. Don’t know when it’ll start.
11 minutes ago
Hello everyone, I am from India and I am
thinking of connecting Indian people who are
in mode of seeking admission to Malaysia
and clog due to eVAL. It’s wont be an official
debate to question and answer…just a
platform to share one’s hurdle that would
make other’s process hassle free. So post me
your mobile numbers so that we will create
WhatsApp group.
Or if you don’t wont to let your number be
shared with another then u suggest another solution to share the numbers with each other…..
Good idea
We have already made a group. you can join here.
group for new international students. https://chat.whatsapp.com/ETs5S23rBkEG5z1HOgTok7
Hi EMGS, how much time it takes to get passport back. 14 working days will be completed on 10 july and still its 80%. I need to go back to my country and I am afraid I might be late because of passport.
@taimoorammar The endorsement process takes approximately 14 working days. However, the approval is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department. Your institution will be notified once the passport is ready for collection.
Dear officer,
I am a pakistani new student and have applied for VAL, My passport number is HS1983931. My application has been stuck to 32% for more than 20 days, can i know when will the process start and my application will proceed further.
Thank you.
@usmanarif The percentage indicates that your application is ready to be submitted to the Immigration Department for their approval. However, at present, the Immigration Department is not issuing VALs to international students outside Malaysia. The status of your application will be updated once the Immigration Department resumes the process of issuing VALs. Kindly note that the approval to issue the VAL is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department.
Same problem with me . Konsi uni hai apki brother??
Ap bhi phasay huay hein pakistan mein?
hanji 10 MAY se apply kia va hai. 32% pe stuck hua va process
Ek baat bataein , agar visa process ho bhi gaya , how will you travel back
bhai mera toh abhi admission hua ha UUM mein phd finance k lia… but visa process 32% per stuck hua va ha..
fb par group banate hain hum sab urdu/hindi bolne wale
All the new students who has applied to EMGS please join this Whatsapp group to get in touch with further updates
Hi EMGS My visa will expire on 07/08/2020 And the immigration is waiting my passport submission. But now I’m outside Malaysia. So what will be the situation if the international student not allowed to enter Malaysia till the expiration date. Thanks
Hi Abdelrahman,
We understand that you are enquiring on the process for international student entering Malaysia. However, we are in the midst of clarifying this with the relevant goverment agencies. Rest assured, we will notify the institutions and students as soon as there is an update on this matter.
Thank you.
Bro kitna dn ho gai hai 32% pa roka hai ap k
I applied for a visa renewal using my old passport before I left Malaysia. I got a new one while I was here and was wondering if I have to re apply
@mwila-m We are glad to assist you with your enquiry. However, in order to get all the details of your application, we would need to retrieve your record. To keep your details private and confidential please email us your full name and passport number at enquiry(at)emgs.com.my and we will assist to check your application.
Hi, this is Akram from Bangladesh, a prospective student of Malaysia. I have a urgent query, what is the probable date of entry for new students in Malaysia from Bangladesh. Like me lots of Bangladeshi students are waiting for the answer. Please enlighten us. Thanks in advance.
You can follow the sop rules
If you got your student pass(visa for single entry) you can apply for the SOP approval by submitting a confirm ticket of the flight. After getting the SOP approval you can fly but keep in mind that it might takes upto 21 days to get the SOP approval. So arrange a flight that’s after 21days around.
Hi EMGS Officer,
I am a prospective student from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru. Last year I failed to re-apply to my university, so the university moved me to this year and I canceled my 2019 eVAL progress. This year I tried to make a new eVAL and after I checked, it still shows 100%, if I have already registered for a new eVAL application, do I have to pay it first or wait for the percentage to be 0%?
@rafif_1 If your institution is submitting the application for you, they need to create the application first in order to obtain the actual application fee. Once the application has been created, you can proceed to make the payment and submit the receipt to your institution. Kindly refer to your institution for more details.
Hello EMGS, I’m currently stuck outside of malaysia and willing to return, my student pass has already expired on march, as mentioned in the recent SOP do I need a single entry travel pass to enter Malaysia now or just the approval from immigration is enough?
Yes same
@jubaer_3 Kindly drop an email to enquiry(at)emgs.com.my. An EMGS Officer will escalate your case and revert to you with an update once they have received more information.
Hello , can I know what emgs said to you about this matter ? As I have the same problem and I’m genuinely so confused as to what to do next
@subul Kindly confirm your nationality.
@subul Since your Student Pass expired, you are required to proceed to the Malaysian Embassy in order to apply for the Social Visa. Kindly refer to the Malaysian Embassy directly for further details.
So I don’t need a val or travel authorization??
I just get a social visit pass that’s all?
@subul If the Student Pass expired anytime after the 1st of February 2020, you don’t need to apply for a VAL. However, you are still required to apply for the travel authorization after obtaining the Social Visa.
Kindly confirm if you completed your Foundation course.
Hello EMGS, i’m currently outside malaysia and my SEV is already expired, but my VAL hasn’t expired until 18 August. Can i make SEV now? because my agent said i can’t
@natanya We advise that you extend the validity of your VAL first. Once the VAL validity has been extended, you are required to proceed to the Malaysian Embassy in your home country and submit a request to obtain a social visit SEV. The decision to approve your request is solely at the discretion of the respective Embassy.
Hi, this is Akram from Bangladesh, a prospective student of Malaysia. I have a urgent query, what is the probable date of entry for new students in Malaysia from Bangladesh. Like me lots of Bangladeshi students are waiting for the answer. Please enlighten us. Thanks in advance.
@kmakramhossain Kindly note that the Immigration Department is currently not issuing VALs to new international students who are outside Malaysia. Once the VAL has been approved, and you have obtained the SEV, you are required to apply for the travel authorization first. The decision to issue the VAL and travel authorization is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department.
There was a WhatsApp group here for new international students who want to study in Malaysia but I can’t find it. May anybody send me the link of that gp or telegram gp. Thanks
Please how do I join the group
Are there any updates from immigration department for new international students? Are they issuing new VAL? I’m from Iran and I wanna study master degree (by research) in UKM?
Please consider that I’d been in Malaysia from Feb to July for English Learning course and now I am in my country.
Hello I am student of university of putra Malaysia currently staying at my home country bangladesh.according to Malaysian govt my country pass holder are banned to enter Malaysia but upm today give notice to do face to face class now I m really tensed and confused what to do? Please help
Dear EMGS, I’m currently outside malaysia and my eVAL expired . I sent email to EMGS about extend it but there is no reply. What the next step ? I want to know what I have to do. …
Dear EMGS officer,
My passport number is EF0432959.my application is at 15% .I admitted in msu university bachelor in fashion design and marketing.please as soon as possible 70% in this week.my classes are started .kindly solve my problem.thanks
Hi, I am international student. Can I register my business using the portal below ?
I lost my job I kad, how I do apply for replacements card