Dependant Pass

You can apply for a Dependant Pass for your immediate family members (Parents, Spouse and Children only) through EMGS. Immigration will issue your dependants with a Long Term Social Visit Pass (LTSVP) for a maximum duration of 12 months at a time. The LTSVP will only be valid for as long as the student has a valid student pass.

This application will be made through the educational institution on behalf of your dependants who are in Malaysia. Each dependant who enters Malaysia on a social pass will be subject to a ‘Journey Performed’ visa fee of RM500 as well as a single entry visa fee (subject to nationality).

Rules and Procedures

All postgraduate students enrolled in Public and Private Universities are eligible to apply for dependant passes on behalf of their families.

Undergraduate Students-Students who are studying for their Bachelor’s Degree will only be eligible to apply for dependant passes on behalf of their families if they are citizens of the following countries:


  1. 1. Saudi Arabia
  2. 2. Bahrain
  3. 3. United Arab Emirates (UAE)
  4. 4. Turkey
  5. 5. Qatar
  6. 6. Azerbaijan
  7. 7. Palestinian Territories
  8. 8. Kuwait
  9. 9. Yemen


  1. 10. Iran
  2. 11. Syria
  3. 12. Oman
  4. 13. Jordan
  5. 14. Lebanon
  6. 15. Iraq
  7. 16. Libya
  8. 17. Maldives
  1. Rasheed Albrihi 7 years ago

    Who can i apply and can i renew for them after a year ? And what they need tp apply and how much the visa fees per person


    So bangladeshi student cant get it??

    • juel chowdhury 7 years ago

      Of-course Bangladeshi students also can bring their dependent.
      This facility is available for the Post Graduate and Phd candidates from Universities.

  3. Eng Adib Aboras 7 years ago

    I will apply for dependent pass soon , but i just wonder about entry visa at first time … Is my wife enter Malaysia as tourism visa or she must get single entry visa from embassy ?
    Tq so much .

  4. SJ Hridoy 7 years ago

    why bangladeshi student are not allowed!!?? 😠

    • juel chowdhury 7 years ago

      Of-course Bangladeshi students also can bring their dependent.
      This facility is available for the Post Graduate and Phd candidates from Universities.

  5. Samia Firozee 7 years ago

    What about Bangladeshi students?

    • juel chowdhury 7 years ago

      Of-course Bangladeshi students also can bring their dependent.
      This facility is available for the Post Graduate and Phd candidates from Universities.

  6. Haitham Mohamed 7 years ago

    What about Egyptian bachelor degree students ?

  7. Ruqia Safdar Bajwa 7 years ago

    I am postgraduate student at UPM i am bringing my kids on social pass. Will they get dependent pass while being in Malaysia on social pass.

    • Eng Adib Aboras 7 years ago

      If your kids enter Malaysia as toursim visa , Can they get dependent pass without exit or not ? Have you any idea ?

      • Eng Adib Aboras 7 years ago

        Or they should to enter as social pass from embassy ?

      • Ruqia Safdar Bajwa 7 years ago

        If my kids and husband enter Malaysia on social/ visit visa , Can they get dependent pass without exit or not ? Have you any idea ? please guide.
        can social pass be extended while being in Malaysia in case of any delay in dependent pass process

      • Ruqia Safdar Bajwa 7 years ago

        i am asking the same but no one is replying i am really worried

  8. Ruqia Safdar Bajwa 7 years ago

    my 3 dependent are going with me on social / visit pass/visa. will they have to pay journey performed visa fee 500 RM?

  9. Md Enamul Islam 7 years ago

    As far as I could learn from the EMGS website and the FAQs,

    1. Dependent visa can be applied by only post graduate students and PhD students only.
    2. Your dependent (Father Mother Wife or Kids) must be in your home country while your university make application to EMGS. If they remain in Malaysia than they must go back and send the entry/ exit stamps

    3. Please remember that No dependent can work with social pass in Malaysia.

    I hope your doubts are clarified. Still experts can give their opinion.


    • Abeer Barakat 7 years ago

      I haven’t arrived to MY yet, and I just got my VAL. Shall I apply to dependents now before arriving to KL? thanks

  10. i think if EMGS want to give depandend visa not give to some country ,better to give to everyone.

  11. Abeer Barakat 7 years ago

    I am a graduate student. Should I apply to my dependents before arriving to Malaysia, or when I arrive to MY?

  12. Md Moynul Islam 5 months ago

    Why do I need this for my Child?

    Marriage Certificate
    1) The institute is required to submit:
    1. A copy of the marriage certificate to prove the relationship between dependant and principal.
    2. A copy of the translated marriage certificate if it is in any other language other than English language.
    Kindly ensure the certificate is attested by the Embassy in Malaysia and the date of the Embassy’s stamp must be within three months.

    Please note that the institute is required to submit the documents with the original attestation by the embassy to EMGS through the front counter or courier.

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