Online Photo Checker

Remember we posted an article last few weeks on how to make sure your passport photo does not get rejected? Well, we’d like to give you another heads up that will help reduce the chances of rejection so be sure to read until the end!

Starting from today, we will be providing an Online Photo Checker on EMGS’ website. Before you ask, what exactly is this Photo Checker thingamajig? Well, it is a tool designed for students to verify whether their passport photo fulfills the requirements of Student Visa Application.

Now, the next question is, how do we use it? Simply upload a photo into the online photo checker. Yes, as simple as that! Once you have done this, you will be advised if the photo is suitable for Student Visa Applications. It will also correct the background color of the photo to the EMGS specifications. And if the photo is not suitable, reason(s) will be advised as to why.

The Online Photo Checker provides a convenient way for you to check your passport photo without having to start an application. On a side note, please be informed that the photo checker is a completely optional feature and will not have any additional effect on the student visa application process.

Be sure to check it out and let us know what you think!

  1. Abu Musa 8 years ago

    Good to know

  2. zahra sadry 8 years ago

    Really good to know about it.

  3. Akbar Mhd Basha 8 years ago

    really useful and tell me if my pic ok or no,
    i find it there in that

  4. Toin Chang 8 years ago

    This photo checker system needs to be reprogramed sir. I have small eyes as I am chinese decedent and it keeps telling me that my eyes are closed. Jesus! Did you guys ever do userability testing toward different racial user before launching this system? Futhermore, I have oily skin and it always appear shinny even I wash it 100 times and yet this system keep telling my skin is not human. I am out with this system.

  5. Farid Ahmad Mohammady 8 years ago

    Very nice information, but it doesn’t work in my phone J1 Galaxy Samsung.

  6. Eamin Rahman 5 years ago

    Helpfull for all

  7. Nirob Khan 5 years ago


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