Craft your stress away

Here we go again! Don’t worry, no animals will be harmed! This is for those who actually go outside the campus when classes are over. It’s definitely NOT for the DOTA lovers (sorry gamers). You sleep 12 hours during your weekends? If yes (or yes to both questions), STAY AWAY from reading the below. Thank you in advance.

We are gonna learn about something called Batik today. No, it’s not a level on Tomb Raider, no, it’s not a seedy night club in Changkat and no, it’s not expensive. Yes, I became a batik master in one day! Read your mind, right?


Origins of Batik

Let me explain what Batik is. It is a word originating from Javanese culture. The Javanese are a people group from Indonesia and there is a substantial number of Javanese descendants in Malaysia and other countries in South East Asia.

Batik originally started out as the word “tik” and it means to dot. It later evolved to “batik”: the art of selecting areas of the cloth and then blocking them out by brushing or drawing hot wax over them.

You then dye the cloth and the parts covered in wax resist the dye and remain the original colour.

Then you end up with something like this:

Don’t go it alone!!

This is something you would probably want to do in groups. Do not be a loner. Okay? Grab your friends and influence them. Now, repeat after me and look at your friends. Make sure you make eye contact. Tell them this: “Batik, GOOD! Staying at home, BAD!” Repeat about three or four times. It works. Just trust me and do it.

Now get in the car, bus, boat, scooter or whatever you need to transport yourselves and head over to a place called myBatik. This is a workshop where you can buy Batik material and clothing as well as learn how to actually make the batik itself. The great thing is that it is located in Kuala Lumpur and it’s about ten minutes’ drive away from KLCC.

For those of you expecting some kind of strict classroom setting with whips and books, you will probably see some kind of activity like the one below.

Lovely innocent school children pretending to know what they are doing.

You feel much better, right? Let me tell you about the basic workshops you can try. If you are already familiar with batik making, you can also choose other workshops available at myBatik.

Batik Cat Painting Workshop

Paint a cat! It might look easy but this will take you about two hours to do! You keep the cat too.

MEOW!! You will design the cat and apply the wax and dye. You basically do everything yourself.

This will cost about RM143 and it is very fun to do. Treat a friend and this would be an awesome birthday experience.

Batik T-Shirt Painting

Wanna look cool with your batik t-shirt and stroll the streets of China town?! There are two ways you will be able to make this. You can either wax or cant (using some kinda pen tool that’s filled with hot wax) your t-shirt directly or you can wax stamp the t-shirt. They will also teach you how to fix the colours and remove the wax too. I would show you my t-shirt but then you would think I’m too childish. This activity will take about an hour and a half to complete. Yes, you keep your t-shirt too. I know you would want to show off! The tee is 100% cotton too. This will cost about RM128.: worth the experience and memories!

Batik Green Bag Workshop

Look cool at school! Look cool when you’re out with your friends! Haha, I know…so lame! You can also take the bag workshop. It also costs the same as the t-shirt workshop (RM128) but it takes 2 hours to complete. Totally worth it! You get a batik green bag (sewn with calico fabric) and you draw your design on it. You get to apply your wax and dyes and see your result. This is really fun to do, especially with your friends.

They will know your name! You can also view their website: or if you want to buy something, you can head over to the online store: And guess what? Next time you go on holiday (the Balis, Phukets, Redangs and whatnot), you will see the myBatik store at KLIA2. You never know, it could be one of your designs up for sale. You can be famous! You can be a batik master!

Check out their Instagram@ and make sure to follow!

As always, thank me later!!

For private events/ group bookings: you can call/text/whatsapp +60122579775
Office telephone: +603-42515154
Enquiry email:
Address: myBatik @Yayasan Seni
333 Persiaran Ritchie off Jalan Ritchie
55000, Kuala Lumpur

Operating Hours: 8am – 5pm (OPEN DAILY including PUBLIC HOLIDAYS)

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