
    • Yes coming for phd accounting. Need assistance in temp accomodation. Medical. Student pass and guidance on ips registration.

      • Once you get your sev and ready to travel I can help you with temporary accommodation in the school

    • Hi Humble prince, how’s the process for SEV in Abuja? Like the duration in which you got a response. Also, did USM representative meet you at the airport as indicated on the arrival document attached to the eval, IPS registration, accommodation information particularly international student housing, student pass and medicals

    • Sev in Abuja is like 10 days…you don’t need USM representative to meet you at the airport

      • Thank you very much @HumblePrince. How long did it take for NDLEA to give you your clearance? How did you find the SEV experience? Please do share any pertinent information that might provide better insight. Many thanks

        • I didn’t apply for NDLEA clearance. What degree are you coming for because that will determine whether you need NDLEA clearance or not. The SEV experience is fine, no , just make sure you have all your documents

          • I was offered admission to a MSc program. However, the VFS website says NDLEA was required hence my confusion

    • Hello dear how are you doing,
      My name is Michelle howard, I will like to have a discussion with you but not here due to i am not always online, please contact me direct to my email (howardmichelle292(at)

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