
    • Quoting from EMGS website:

      BEFORE issuance of Visa Approval
       May be applied for at any time before VAL is issued
       Provide written, dated and signed request from the institution on an official
      letterhead requesting the cancellation of the application and refund.

      • AFTER issuance of Visa Approval Letter AND BEFORE student has entered the country.

        Applications will be accepted before VAL expiry upon written proof or
        confirmation from the Department of Immigration that the VAL has been
         Refund application must be received within 90 days from the expiry of Visa
        Approval Letter. Thereafter only Immigration fees may be refunded.
         Provide written, dated and signed confirmation on an official letterhead from
        the Institution requesting the cancellation of the application and refund.
         Administrative fees are payable for refund applications made after VAL expiry.

        • AFTER issuance of Visa Approval
          AFTER student has entered the
          BEFORE issuance of Student Pass

          Parties will only be eligible for a refund of such fees as have not been utilised
          upon written proof or confirmation from the Department of Immigration that
          the VAL/Pass has been cancelled/shortened or on receipt of Exit Stamp/Check
          Out Memo depending on the circumstances.
           Provide written, dated and signed confirmation on an official letterhead from
          the Institution requesting the cancellation of the application and refund.

    • I read that document but i did not understand whether i have to apply for refund or it is university?

      • The university has to first cancel your registration, update the same to EMGS and then you will apply for refund directly to EMGS.

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