Please be informed that there is no specific time-frame for the approval of VAL extension applications. The approval to extend the VAL is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department. We will notify your institution of the updates of your VAL status.
Really frustrated! I have been waiting for almost 2 weeks for eval but haven’t get it till now. Please emgs officer do something!
What’s your percentage?
Mine is 35% since last 2 weeks!
they will take 2-4 weeks to process it unfortunately
Then why did they write 7-10 working days from the day it send to immigration.
its old format
EMGS is taking 1 months to send it to immigration and immigration is taking another 1 month to issue out the approval. So much frustrating.
yeah really its frustrating but just be patient. not much we can do anyway
i hope all of us will get it soon!
Hi Zeng,
Please be informed that there is no specific time-frame for the approval of VAL extension applications. The approval to extend the VAL is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department. We will notify your institution of the updates of your VAL status.
Have a nice day.