
  • Divya Krishnani posted an update 6 years ago

    Dear officer,
    Now since its closed and would open till 14 I won’t in any case would be able to get my eval and come to Malaysia on 16th May
    I need to postpone my flight could you give me a date till when I will get my eval for summers
    It’s only for 2 months in summers I don’t know why it is taking so much time for immigration Dept to pass my val for just 2 months.
    I know timeframe is 7 days for immigration dept, Please give me a confirmed date now I need to inform to the university also and postpone my flight to that date . Would it be ready next week within Wednesday more delays?

    • What’s the percentage of your application status and when you applied for val?

    • @wardab
      Can you please contact them and tell me whether I will get it today I need to postpone my flight accordingly. It’s urgent please.
      Also is there any update in my application may be not updated in the status due to holidays
      Passport no – L6343802

    • @wardab
      Can you give me a rough idea how many days it will take from now for me to get the eVal downloaded , because I need to postpone my ticket today which is on 16th to some later days.

    • @wardab it has been approved?

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